Bourbon Lancy.  Jean-Marie Marceddu presents in Robert-Cochet space

Bourbon Lancy. Jean-Marie Marceddu presents in Robert-Cochet space

Patrick Boyer (CLP)
Today at 6:53 pm

Until April 23, the Place Robert-Cochet, in the old Bourbon, hosted an exhibition of about forty paintings by Jean-Marie Marchidou. This bourbon artist is self-taught. “I take pictures, then I make the painting and I paint for fun,” he explained to us.

Find details

Jean-Marie had been practicing this hobby for about ten years, thinking of Van Gogh, the painter who inspired him, like sunflowers for example, even if the two styles were very different. Because Jean-Marie is looking for details. But his works are sometimes a compilation of several images, or an interpretation of an image. But this is also the artist’s freedom. It usually takes about three weeks to finish a canvas, “except for Laboulaye. It took me two months, not counting the other two months that I missed, ”Jean-Marie continues.

until Sunday evening

But given the scale of his paintings, sometimes every detail is not possible. “It’s hard sometimes. So I cheat a bit. But if I can, I’ll do the details. This is the first time that Jean-Marie has produced a real exhibition. Until now, his paintings were sometimes exhibited or sold. But if he didn’t have more than one In the works, on the other hand, he has many projects in mind such as the Château du Vigneau or the Château Sarrien.”I don’t want to paint other people’s paintings,” Jean-Marie concludes, “so I do what I want to do.”

➤ Visible Espace Robert-Cochet, rue Pingré-de-Farivillers every day from 2pm-6pm until April 23rd. free entry.

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