Blizzard may prevent weak Auras from interacting with some Auras – World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft players have been using add-ons for many years to help manage certain mechanics in raids. This is particularly the case with WeakAuras which can work wonders in certain cases. However, it appears that Blizzard decided to take the bull out of the horns by preventing WeakAuras from interacting with certain data, which would make encounters more difficult since players wouldn’t be able to rely on the addon.

it is in tweet I posted this Thursday that WeakAuras dropped the info. I give you a French translation:

Big news for Warcraft UI:

In version 10.1, Blizzard will introduce a new “Special Halos” system that will allow it to more easily hide accessory auras.

This can be used to prevent add-ons from automating combat mechanics that designers find problematic.

Unfortunately, this currently means that add-ons cannot be allowed to interact with these halos in a certain way (without compromising security) to enable customization.

In another tweet, WeakAuras explained that Test Realms introduces a new API that allows you to create your own framework just for these special auras. So you can create an accessory/halo to display in the center of your screen. The idea here is not to limit the display of these halos to the default interface.

However, the studio seems determined to act so that some of the mechanics the developers imagined become trivial thanks to WeakAuras.

We will notice Funny little pike From Scripe, a leading master of the Echo guild, who wonders how they would be able to defeat the bosses if WeakAuras didn’t do it for them ^^

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