Birds were considered extinct 100 years ago, and now they are back in nature

Birds were considered extinct 100 years ago, and now they are back in nature

It is now a symbolic return to the homeland, according to what was reported by The Guardian. According to the report, the animals were released into the wild at Lake Wakatipu in the Waimori Valley on New Zealand’s South Island. Tahaki, like many other New Zealand birds, have evolved without competition from land mammals, and have adapted to suitable environments in the ecosystem.

The bird species was discovered in 1948

Fossil remains show their presence in New Zealand since the prehistoric Pleistocene, the last major ice age that began approximately two million years ago. Tahake’s return represents a cautiously celebrated victory for conservation in New Zealand, continues The Guardian.

In 1898, these birds were officially declared extinct. After its population was massively wiped out by the animal companions of European settlers. After their rediscovery in 1948, conservationists took care of the animals. Many of them are bred in captivity and efforts are being made to contain their animal enemies. According to the report, the number of animals now stands at about 500 animals, and is growing by about eight percent annually.

The original text of this post “Bird was considered extinct 100 years ago – now it’s back” comes from Spot on the news.

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