“Between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, the tone has changed.”

“Between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, the tone has changed.”

ShA journalist asks Joe Biden about the conversations he just had, Wednesday, November 15, with Xi Jinping: Do you still consider him a dictator? » This is how the US President described his Chinese counterpart in 2022. Biden responded in 2023: “Well, yeah, that’s what it is.” The American adds: “He is like a man running a country whose system is completely different from ours. »

And in Beijing, the “guy” in question clearly didn’t like it. The State Department describes this exchange as: “Irresponsible manipulation that China opposes definitely.” Did Joe Biden, in a short sentence, undermine the outcome of the summit – which was held in San Francisco on the occasion of the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Forum – above all, with the aim of putting a little balm on the Chinese-American deterioration in an unprecedented way in forty years?

In the middle of an election year, the octogenarian coming out of the White House will confirm his reputation as “Mr. Error.” Unless he puts his finger on one of the fundamental elements weighing down the relationship between the two largest economies on the planet. We want to talk about the political-ideological gap that separates them – and that four hours of conversation in a dream villa in Northern California was unlikely to bridge that gap.

Read also decryption: The material is reserved for our subscribers In San Francisco, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are renewing cautious dialogue

However, this summit represents “Break in rivalry” Beijing-Washington, This week, Sinologist François Godment of the Montaigne Institute writes. Recent months have witnessed the resumption of ministerial exchanges in all fields. Even before the California lunch, the two states established a climate working group. At San Francisco, they decided to resume communications, which had been interrupted for a year, between their armies.

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“Great attitude”

The goal is to address a situation in which we move closer to an incident every day when Chinese and American patrols intersect in the air and sea space of the Western Pacific. The Chinese have agreed to halt their exports of the chemical components needed to manufacture fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States over the past 20 years.

Read the report also: The material is reserved for our subscribers San Francisco, the tech capital of the fentanyl era

The tone has changed. On the Chinese side, there is no longer “wolf warrior” diplomacy: HSuddenly this ode to the rise of the Chinese superpower was coupled with an aggressive denunciation of all the evil deeds committed by the declining West. Genetics in san francisco, where we happily grow the way Great attitudeHe had to play. More importantly, Xi wondered: He needs Wall Street.

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