Belle-Île-en-Mer: An exotic invasive plant has been discovered from New Zealand

Belle-Île-en-Mer: An exotic invasive plant has been discovered from New Zealand

Crassula helms is difficult to eradicate.
Crassula helms is difficult to eradicate. “It usually grows in lawns but can grow trunks larger than 1 meter, which can lead to problems with reducing tank storage capacity and increasing the rate of organic matter in the water,” explains Bel-en-Mer communes community. © d

Morbihan Island, Belle il en mer, is not immune to invasion. Recently invasive exotic plant Crassule of Helms In the Bordella Water Reservoir in the city of Palais.

It was revealed in a private pool

Crassule is a small, light green succulent plant, native to New Zealand. It was introduced to England in the 1920s as an aquarium and pond plant. It is progressing in Europe and was monitored by the National Conservatory of Brest in Finistere in the 1980s. Its presence is marginal in Morbihan”, explains the commune community in Belle-Ile-en-Mer.

On the largest island of Morbihan, it was discovered in 2020 in a private pool. Then it was noticed in Bordella’s arrest.

It usually grows in lawns but can develop into stems longer than 1 meter, which can cause problems in reducing the storage capacity of the tank, and increasing the rate of organic matter in the water.

The commune community of Bel-Ile-en-Mer

Thus, the Crassul Helms in the Bordella tank in 2021 could pose a problem.

What to do?

“Eau de Morbihan, director of this reservoir, commissioned the Design Bureau (Hardy Environment) to implement Diagnose and suggest procedures to eradicate or limit its progressionBy connecting the commune community, the National Botanical Conservatory of Brest, an amateur botanist (Yves Breen), CPIE and SAUR”, connects the local communities.

While waiting for results, it is required not to do so “Not to walk in the grip of Bordella’s arrest”. “ It is important not to take soil or aquatic plants there, with the risk of spreading invasive plants onto the island.

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