begging.  Robbed two stores in two days

begging. Robbed two stores in two days

The owner chased the thieves away.
The owner chased the thieves away. © Melanie Sparvel

At the beginning of the week, individuals broke into two businesses in begging to steal them. If the thugs were able to follow through on their misdeeds Four Paths Restaurantthis is not the case in Tobacco Le Boutonwhere they were surprised by the owner couple.

One hundred euro robbery

On the night of Monday March 13th to Tuesday March 14th, thieves broke into the restaurant at the crossroads of Saint-Cullotte.

“Force the crowbar to enter.”

The owner of the facility, Cyril Devever.

They were looking for money and jewels. They searched everything, however Nothing was damaged. And the most amazing thing is that they “didn’t break anything and didn’t steal anything, except for the bottom of the cash register, although there were things of value.”

“They only took the box, and there was 100 euros to break everything, and they didn’t even take the tip box, since there was more money.”

If a robbery is always an unpleasant surprise, Cyril Defever isn’t exactly surprised: “There I’ve had burglaries on this street before“.

I was surprised at the complete package

At Quatre Chemins, thieves turn everything upside down.
At Quatre Chemins, thieves turn everything upside down. © Melanie Sparvel

During the night of Wednesday 15th to Thursday 16th, at Le Butun Tobacco, located on Avenue Anatole Le Braz, the thieves did not have the opportunity to complete their work.

On a Wednesday night, around 3:30 a.m., they are She passed the car three times in front of the cigarette seller says business owner Mickaël Hauchecorne. Note that he may have been a prostitute Surveillance Camerawhich unfortunately “does not allow to see the model of the car”.

“2 or 3 people got out of the car, forced it against the entrance shutter, then the door. They broke through 2 out of 3 security points, but my wife heard them, and we shouted out the window and left.”

Michael Hochkorn

there Guingamp Gendarmerie He confirms that “the authors were Escaped by the landlord who lives upstairs

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The case is in the hands of the gendarmerie and “the investigation is underway”.

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