Before discussing the agreement with Ukraine, the NLF and the National Front put forward the same “red lines.”

Before discussing the agreement with Ukraine, the NLF and the National Front put forward the same “red lines.”

On the left, Sébastien Chinot, Vice President of RN, on set
Capture of France 3/RTL On the left, Sébastien Chenault, Vice President of RN, on the set of “Dimanche en politique” on France 3. On the right, Manuel Bombard, LFI coordinator on the program “Le Grand Jury” on RTL.

Capture of France 3/RTL

On the left, Sébastien Chenault, Vice President of RN, on the set of “Dimanche en politique” on France 3. On the right, Manuel Bombard, LFI coordinator on the program “Le Grand Jury” on RTL.

Politics – Stereo Geopolitics. This Sunday, March 10, the Vice-President of the National Rally Party, Sébastien Chenault, and the National Coordinator of the “France Insommies” Party, Manuel Bompard, were questioned about “ Bilateral Security Agreement » It was reached with Ukraine on 16 February, which MEPs will be invited to vote on on Tuesday 12 March.

The far-right leader has the opportunity, like his far-left counterpart, to vent his groups' positions. It turns out that both Manuel Bombard and Sebastien Chinot are talking about the same thing.” Red lines » which will determine their vote. Under the same conditions.

When we are asked to decide on a text, and this text contains important questions such as Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, or Ukraine’s accession to NATO, these are red lines for us, and there is no room for voting in favor of them. This text », announced on RTL the LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône.

Meanwhile, on display Sunday in politics On France 3, Sébastien Chenault approached the debate in exactly the same way. ” We have red lines that may prevent us from voting », explained the representative from the North, also referring to Ukraine’s accession and integration into NATO. ” If a security agreement ignores the red lines you set, we will view it more favorably », continued the Vice President RN.

What does this report contain?

The document in question, signed by Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron on February 16, binds Paris and Kiev for ten years. It includes in particular the strengthening of military cooperation, especially in the areas of artillery and air defence. In 2024, France promised to provide “Up to 3 billion euros in additional support”and committed to mobilization Active deterrence (…) In the face of any further aggression by the Russian Federation “.

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But the agreement also includes a political element, as it reaffirms “ The goal of Ukraine's membership in the European Union and the fact that Ukraine's security is an integral part of the security of Europe and the Euro-Atlantic region “Moreover, both parties They will coordinate and strengthen their joint efforts to support Ukraine's membership in NATO “.

“or precisely” Red lines » Followed by France Insoumise and the National Rally, Which the Kremlin also shares. Barring any surprises, the representatives of the Proud France party, like those of the National Rally party, must either abstain from voting or vote against this text next Tuesday.

See also on HuffPost:

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