Because the founder of Google “bought” another country’s citizenship

Because the founder of Google “bought” another country’s citizenship

American i see page, one of the founders of Google, became New Zealand thanks to his money. Thus we can summarize the particular story in which the tech mogul was involved, which seems absurd in the eyes of international observers. An episode that gets even more surreal when you think New Zealand has close the borders Because of Covid, no foreigner can enter the country.

However, the New Zealand Immigration Agency, which handles residence permits to enter the archipelago, has launched a program for those who at least intend to invest. 10 million dollars Premises in the country, just under 6 million euros, can be obtained Opinion distinct.

The founder of Google “bought” another country’s citizenship: what do we know

but why VI a leg The richest in the world He should have bought accommodation, ie Citizenship temporary, NZ? The man is stranded by the epidemic in Fiji with his son, when the boy’s health becomes alarming.

The 48-year-old requested medical intervention from New Zealand for this, so he sent a medical planes To withdraw the young man and his father after the latter formally request them via a special form.

Google founder “bought” another country’s citizenship: criticism

The New Zealand Parliament has asked a question about family entry within the border despite ending, but the Minister of Health stressed that the Google tycoon had already requested documents to settle in the country, which were approved three weeks after his entry, and that upon his arrival he would have respected all covid control protocols.

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Minority parties intervened in the decision to grant residency to Larry Page, highlighting difficulty Which many citizens face in order to return inside the country despite the containment measures, just as a foreign citizen managed to obtain the passport and obtain documents to stay in the archipelago in a very short time.

Outline of the story still unclearIt is not known if Larry Page actually intends to settle in New Zealand before his son’s condition deteriorates.

The alternative would be to assume that local policy has been guaranteed to sponsor google browser Preferential treatment for his status and wealth, allowing him to enter the country despite foreign nationality, then finalize the residence procedures at a later time only. In a blatant demonstration social inequality.

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