Basketball / Lebanon: “Circle of Bald Coaches”

Basketball / Lebanon: “Circle of Bald Coaches”

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From Ghassan Sarkis to Joe Mougis, passing through Fouad Abou Shakra and others, these basketball coaches have one thing in common: they are bald.

Lebanese basketball is currently living in a golden age that it has not known since the 1990s, and Lebanese basketball has already succeeded in qualifying three national teams for the Basketball World Cup. Firstly with the Under-16s, who played in the World Cup in Spain last year. then the under-19 national team, which will play the World Cup in its category at the end of this month in Hungary; And finally, the first team to play the World Championships in Indonesia (Lebanon will play first-round matches there), in Japan and the Philippines from August 25 to September 10. These three joint successes are the first in the history of Lebanese basketball. As for the women’s team, it qualified for the Asian Championship that will be held in Australia at the end of June, after winning Level B in the Asian Championships and returning to the elite region.

There is no doubt that the Lebanese Basketball Federation has played a role in the success of the national teams, and one does not forget the pioneering role of the Lebanese coaches in the sporting success of the Lebanese national team and clubs. Besides their great success with Lebanese clubs, these coaches are now highly sought after by Arab clubs. The latter are already engaged in fierce competition to secure the services of Lebanese trainers.

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Today we will discuss the topic of Lebanese trainers who suffer from baldness, because it is clear that many prominent Lebanese trainers are bald. Here is an overview of the most popular trainers:

Ghassan Sarkis, a coach in his sixties, is the oldest among the bald Lebanese coaches. He has achieved many achievements at the level of the national teams and clubs that he has managed since the eighties, and there is no doubt that his greatest achievements were achieved with wisdom at the regional and Asian levels. In addition to Al-Hikma, Sarkis has trained Al-Riyadiya, Kahrabia, Champville, Amal Bikfaya and other clubs. He also trained many Arab clubs and will train Al-Hikma again from the 2023-2024 season.

The second coach is Fouad Abu Shakra, who is in his fifties and is also bald. He managed the Lebanese national team alongside many Lebanese clubs such as Rosier, Café Najjar, Chambelle, Sporting and others. Abu Shaqra also managed several Arab clubs.

The third notable bald coach is Joe Moges, who is in his forties and managed the first and junior national teams at one point, in addition to several Lebanese clubs such as Chambelle and Homentmen. Moges will coach the Homenetmen team next season, knowing that he has already led this team to the Lebanese title in 2018.

As for the current sports coach, Ahmed Farran, he is also bald and trained the Beirut Club during his career. Fran will continue training Al-Riyadi next season, the club with which he won many local, regional and international titles. Varane has never coached the national team, but this may happen in the future. He coached a Kuwaiti club in the past.

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Let’s not forget the bald coach Marwan Khalil, who coached many Lebanese clubs such as Beirut Club, Champville and Homentmen, in addition to a Bahraini club.

Furthermore, the new coach who asserts himself is bald. This is a good morning. Khoury is a former Lebanese international who coached Antranik last season and will coach Champville next season. During his football career, Khoury distinguished himself with his three-point shots with the national team and Sagesse Club. to Note that among the bald coaches cited, only Khoury has ever played for the Lebanon national team.

We must also not forget the former coach of Beirut Club, Ahmed Yamout, who is also bald.

In addition to these pioneering bald coaches, there are women’s sports coach George Akiki and Dekran Keukjian who are also bald.

In addition to the bald Lebanese coaches, there is also the coach of the Lebanese national team in the 2010 World Cup, the New Zealand American Thomas Baldwin, and the Serbian coach Tony Vujanic, who coached many Lebanese clubs, as well as his compatriot Nenad. Kirzic who also coached Lebanese clubs, including Al-Hikma.

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