“Baby Chow!”  In Jerusalem, anti-Netanyahu celebrates ‘victory’

“Baby Chow!” In Jerusalem, anti-Netanyahu celebrates ‘victory’

singing”Baby bye byeTo the folk melody of the Italian revolutionary song Bella Chiao, about 2,000 Israelis demonstrated in Jerusalem on Saturday night to celebrate “win overOn the eve of the expected end of the reign of outgoing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

About twenty meters from the very safe official residence of Prime Minister Ofir Rubinsky, a father who used to demonstrate against Mr. Netanyahu, nicknamed “baby“He does not hide his joy.

«For us, it’s a big night and tomorrow will be an even bigger day. I’m about to cry. We fought in peace for this and this day is comingHe says, the Israeli flag in his hand is blue and white.

«Netanyahu only sought to divide us, one part of society against another, but tomorrow we will unite, right, left, Jews, Arabs‘, adds Mr. Rubinsky, whose future prime minister, save for a last-minute reversal, Naftali Bennett,Make the right decisionBy joining a coalitionthey change».

For nearly a year, Israelis have been demonstrating outside the prime minister’s official residence on Balfour Street in central Jerusalem to demand the departure of Benjamin Netanyahu, to stand trial for corruption, embezzlement and abuse of power in a series of cases.

And the assembly on Saturday may be the last, because Parliament must meet on Sunday to vote on confidence to approve the draft coalition.they change» Gathering the left, center and right parties and the Arab formation.

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Under the terms of the coalition agreement, Bennett will succeed Benjamin Netanyahu for two years, before being replaced by Yair Lapid.

«It’s the last Saturday in Balfour Square. we won. The Knesset (Parliament) will have a vote tomorrow and this Prime Minister will be leaving. I’m not nervous! It’s good, it’s over, he’s leaving’” says Ghali Yisrael Tal, a 62-year-old demonstrator.

Noisy vuvuzela, drumming, signature Hebrew T-shirt”baby for you«(«Netanyahu exonerates”), about 2,000 demonstrators participated in the demonstration, including former army chief Moshe Ya’alon.

But other regulars in the anti-Netanyahu protests say they fear the prime minister, whom some have described aspolitical magicianHe pulls a rabbit out of his hat to stay in power at the last minute.

«We are about to end a dark era for IsraelRam Shamir, one of the protesters who has had a year of protests against Benjamin Netanyahu, points out.DefinitelyContributed to the end of his reign. And to add:We sleep and put on our shoes with one eye open (…)».

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