Aveyron: Ten thousand volunteers wanted to welcome a bubble into their home

Aveyron: Ten thousand volunteers wanted to welcome a bubble into their home

The National Center for Scientific Research has launched an unprecedented call for amateur scientists to conduct experiments on this creature revealed by a researcher from Aveyron.

Point is already a star in the search community! So much so that the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) decided to launch an unprecedented experiment by calling 10,000 amateur scientists who agree to breed this creature from their homes.

Between a week and a month

The Vesarum polycephalumIt’s her scientific name, she finds herself in the spotlight thanks to the work done by Avonese Audrey Dussotour, ethnologist and researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research in Toulouse.

For years, the creature, often mistaken for mold, fungus, or even lichen, has fascinated the scientific community. Yellow, sticky and social, it is just a giant cell with several nuclei capable of developing. Based on “It moves several centimeters per hour to pick up its food. It is not afraid of fire or water when it is at rest, it multiplies very easily and can be cut into several pieces and then becomes independent and continues to grow”researcher details.

So, if you love science, the National Center for Scientific Research needs volunteers to conduct a series of bubble experiments. With the aim of finding out how this creature, neither animal nor plant, traditionally developing in the bushes of temperate countries, reacts to global warming.

In a press release, the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) explained that the experiment should last between a week and a month. “About an hour of daily handling is required.” In detail, the selected people will be given points and types of relatives. “They will have to feed them, expose them to heat and document their growth. Different temperatures and exposure times will be tested to simulate heat waves.”.

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In Space with Thomas Bisquet

The point is talked about even in space! In fact, Thomas Pesquet and thousands of students are currently conducting a joint experiment. Last April, the French astronaut took Four Points with him when he joined the International Space Station (ISS). BlobiWanKenobi 1,2,3 and 4 – with reference to star Wars It will be closely monitored on the International Space Station and will undergo a series of tests. At the same time, in cooperation with the CNRS, the National Center for Space Studies offered teachers the opportunity to conduct experimental work. In France, 2,000 institutions from primary to secondary are working on point. This work aims to compare the behavior of the point on Earth and zero gravity, at an altitude of 400 km.

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