Audio notation.  Audio notation.  How to make the humanities (5/5)

Audio notation. Audio notation. How to make the humanities (5/5)

By improving the knowledge available to man, science enables him to continually increase his control over his environment, facilitate his daily life, and improve his condition. But these developments may raise the question: Are they really desirable for humans, and to what extent?

To avoid the drifts, each new progress obligates us—we humans—to set limits, safeguards, and determine through choices what makes us human beings to contemplate and morality. Obviously, defining precisely what makes our humanity.

How is progress expressed and achieving coexistence and humanity? How do scientists imagine the world of tomorrow? What role does ethics play in science? This is the subject of the fifth and final episode of the podcast series “La fabrique du savoir”, produced in partnership with‘Espace Mendès France in Poitiers.’

Michel Brunet, paleontologist and paleontologist, author of major discoveries such as that of the first Australopithecian, Abel, and the earliest hominin, Tomai; Catherine Bryckiniak, physicist, President of the National Center for Scientific Research from 2006 to 2010 and President of the Higher Council for Biotechnology in 2009-2010; and Pierre Corvall, physician, biologist and presidentAcademy of Sciences until 2020.

Find other episodes of the “Knowledge Factory” podcast series here.

Episode written, hosted and co-produced by Josefa Lopez the scientist. Director: Eyeshot. Graphic Identity: Melina Zarbib. Partnership: Sonia Junio, Victoire Bonin. Partner: Espace Mendès France.

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