Attacked by a shark, 8-year-old boy miraculously unharmed: video that goes viral around the world

Attacked by a shark, 8-year-old boy miraculously unharmed: video that goes viral around the world

This family will remember a hunting trip that almost went wrong all their lives. This Tuesday, all Australian media are reporting the incredible story of Mani Alam, an 8-year-old boy, who emerged unscathed from shark attack Filmed from start to finish.

trout and shark

In fact, while fishing with his father and friends near Lady Musgrave Island near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Manny made what is called a nice catch: trout. So, to immortalize the moment, he asks his father to film him returning to the boat with the fish. Then the unimaginable happens: a shark Manny’s bite pops into his chest.

The attack occurred near the Great Barrier Reef.

The attack occurred near the Great Barrier Reef.
Screenshot – googlemaps

Fortunately, the shark quickly released its prey and Manny escaped with a few scrapes. “I felt it a little bit, I felt pain in my chest but that’s it.”And He told our colleagues from Channel 9. “Anyone who has ever dived knows this situation can arise.”For his part, his father Radwan converted to Islam, reassuring frankly. Which made it clear that the video is nothing but a fake video.

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