Atoneo saw that the mentality was developing in the right direction

Mathieu WARNIER, Media365, posted on Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 7:55 pm.

Wearing the XV jersey for France for eight years, Oweny Attonio confirmed that the situation has changed since the arrival of Fabian Galthe as well as the emergence of a younger generation.

Uini Atonio is a witness to the evolution of the XV in France. The correct column for La Rochelle has been selected 44 times in the magazine recently olympic back In particular he was able to return to the development of the choice of three colors. The first thing the New Zealander notices is that the players “look forward and never come back”. If ambition was not necessarily present at the start of his international career under the orders of Philippe Saint-Andre and then Guy Nouvese, Oweny Atoniou assures us that the situation has changed. “When we prepare for a match, we do it in order to win,” he says. That’s what’s good. The discourse has changed. A development he also noticed in the level of the message the current crew was sending to its players. “Before Fabien Gallagher came and these guys arrived, I had the impression that the message, especially against the big countries, was, ‘Do your best,’ sums up the 32-year-old. Sometimes it worked, but most of the time it didn’t work.”

Antonio: “All the players are happy to come”

While he went through a period during which France’s 15th streak didn’t do well, Owen Attonio admits that “after a while she almost didn’t want to go on the field any more”. However, this is no longer the case. “There’s a lot of competition in every position and we’ve won a lot of matches,” adds Rochelle. “The training sessions are obviously harder, but you know they’re going to be beneficial for your matches. That’s why Uini Atonio doesn’t overuse the ten winning streak that France stayed fifth in.” Ten.” I remember that before, when I tried the blues, I managed to get three wins in a row, that was huge, he recalls. Today, we – and dare we say ourselves even though I’ve only been to seven meetings – have had ten successes, and we really want to keep going. Emphasizing that “all the players are happy to attend,” Oweny Attonio ensures that we see the “change in gatherings” of the selection. A compelling state of mind the staff intends to see continue until the next World Cup.

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