At COP 28, the final draft of the text rules out the eventual abandonment of fossil fuels

At COP 28, the final draft of the text rules out the eventual abandonment of fossil fuels

COP28 President Sultan Al Jaber (centre) in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) December 11, 2023.

Several strokes of the pen to try to find a compromise path and a blow to the leveler of the hopes of the most ambitious. Monday, December 11, the theoretical eve of the last day of the 28thH At the Climate Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), President Sultan Al Jaber’s teams worked, then let the hours pass, “Maybe it is time to consult with some stakeholders on important points.”A source within a European delegation said. Above all, it is time to make a profound adjustment to the ideas that have been under discussion for ten days.

At around five o’clock in the evening, the most important draft of the final text of this conference fell, which is the “Global Assessment”, which is an evaluation of the Paris Agreement that is supposed to raise the ambitions of countries. This time there are no longer multiple options to liven up the discussions, but there are no less ambitious proposals, especially with regard to the upcoming energy package. For ten days, and in an unprecedented manner during the COP, pressure has been mounting around the idea of ​​eventually abandoning coal, oil and gas. However, conditions get rid of It has disappeared (“exit”) from fossil fuels, found in several versions of the document and demanded by NGOs, the European Union, representatives of the Pacific Islands and even Latin American countries.

This project is presented only Lower stage (“Reduction”) of coal that is not captured by technology and “Delimiters” New drilling. There is no longer any mention of the final exit from oil and gas, but an order was issued to do so ” Reducing “ Consumption and production of fossil fuels to try to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 while respecting science, i.e. a temperature rise of +1.5°C has been mentioned several times, and is the most ambitious threshold set by the Paris Agreement in 2015.

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“Very disappointing”

As requested by the oil-producing countries in the Arabian Gulf, led by Saudi Arabia, the pages focused more on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Thus the parties acknowledge “The need for a deep, rapid and sustainable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and a call for parties to take action.”We can read. Maintaining a tripling of renewable energies by 2030. The UAE presidency also leaves the door wide open for technological solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of fossil fuels. In a paragraph referring to carbon capture and storage, it is recommended to do so“Accelerating technologies”.

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