ASM Clermont: Timu World Cup Joker, Amatosero will extend his lease at Auvergne by a few weeks

ASM Clermont: Timu World Cup Joker, Amatosero will extend his lease at Auvergne by a few weeks

In order to make up for the absence of players selected for the World Cup (8 September – 28 October), the top 14 clubs can call up World Cup jokers. With six players retained in the preliminary rosters (Peceli Yato, Fritz Lee, George Moala, Bautista Delguy, Tomas Lavanini and Marcos Kremer), ASM Clermont can recruit three additional players.

. beloved

An agreement has been reached between ASM and Mohamed Hawass not to wear the Clermont shirt

On Saturday morning, Auvergne announced the identity of its first World Cup players. One of them is well known: it is Australian Miles Amatocero (21 years old, 2.03 m, 125 kg). Before returning home, the second line will extend its adventure in the Auvergne for a few months. The latter will make up for the absence of Thomas Lavagnini and Marcus Kremer, who were selected for the World Cup with Argentina.

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The second Joker is Caleb Timu. A native New Zealander and Australian international (two picks with the Wallabies), the third line (29 years old, 1.90m, 110kg) will start the season with ASM Clermont in order to make up for picks Peceli Yato (Fiji) and Fritz Lee (Samoa). Last season, he played in Bordeaux Biglis, where he worked under the orders of … Christophe Aureus, who was originally from his arrival at the Gironde. Caleb Timu has played 17 matches for UBB (in all competitions), including 7 starts. “It’s a good opportunity to get Caleb back during this period. He’s a very solid player, a great ball-carrier who is capable of replaying on contact,” said Christophe Aureus.ASM website

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. (…) He is a good guy for the group and knows our way of working well. His physical intensity will serve us well in this early part of the season as there will be no Peceli, Marcos, Tomas, Fritz or Pita-Gus. He’s a real ‘eight’, a specialist for the position with a lot of high-level experience and who arrives with great enthusiasm.”

Clubs can sign one Joker in the World Cup for every two players selected. For front row players, teams can call a wild card by simply keeping the prop or hooker.

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