ASM Clermont: Mixed Recruits vs. UBB

ASM Clermont: Mixed Recruits vs. UBB

With three recruits out of seven players on the backlines, hinge included, in the beginning, ASM had to show an innovative face. With Belleau, Simone and Newsome, the Jono Gibbes team had the opportunity to seduce a crowd from Issoir.

Only, in the first period clearly dominated by Bordelli, it was difficult for the new three-quarters of ASM to show their offensive qualities. We’ve seen Era Simone do well with the ball, and Clermontois was also the most sought after as the first striker.

Xavier Sadourny after ASM’s defeat to UBB: “We have to score”

His record was very poor with the ball in hand, as full-back Alex Newsom used mainly his foot, often under Girond’s pressure. In his position as opener, Anthony Bello also had little chance of confirming his animation abilities.

On the other hand, this first act made it possible to note the implications for these recruits, particularly in the field of defence. We’ve also seen Simon often leading the line of defence, speaking and replacing Raca in particular. Newsom also commented a lot and encouraged his new partners.

Newsom, sole flash author of The Clermont Evening

In the first half, the impression remained very mixed, and it was an opportunity for the staff to open their seats wide. Jules Blisson and the young Italian Francois May appeared. In his position as No. 8, Loïc Godener stayed on the field for a little longer, after forty minutes when the former Parisian was confined to the defense most of the time; The winner scratched a boulder under his belt.

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During this second run, ASM was more persuasive and bold, especially with the ball. Claremont’s first of two attempts, signed Raka at the end of the line, owes much to Newsom’s open field intervention for the first (and only) clear crossing of this meeting.
The New Zealand full-back in particular demonstrated his technical qualities with a long pass with precision to his wing.

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excellent ASM Clermont doesn’t really reassure against UBB

Back at Christoph Orius’ men, Juno Gibbs’ men had a chance to sign for a second success before the Top 14 resume. Tired, entry throws and throwers out of order and ASM let his chance pass.

The Issoire audience came to check out Clermont’s recruits. Perhaps he was not completely satisfied, but the main thing is to climb all indicators in a week in Paris. For new players and the whole team.

Christophe Boron

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