ASM Clermont: It has made a significant comeback since the arrival of Christophe Aureus

ASM Clermont: It has made a significant comeback since the arrival of Christophe Aureus

Besili Yato

After more than a year not playing, the mighty Fijian third line have just lined up five games with massive impact already. However, he will miss the derby on Saturday (5pm) due to a thigh injury.

Was it the missing link?! ASM has long suffered from the absence of a ball-carrier, so having Yato unavailable for so long was a detriment. The operation was done several times for a knee in bad shape, and the Fijian had a complicated summer preparation, punctuated by pain, muscle imbalance, and swollen joints.

That long temps sans competition s’est ainsi étiré plusieurs mois, au point d’inuer le doute dans l’esprit du staff sur son retour en jeu. À son arrivée, Christophe Urios s’entend même dire que Peceli Yato est quasiment perdu pour reason.

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The wink of fate is a pure chance?? However, the Fijian returned to competition on the same day as Urios’ first match off the ASM bench. He played half an hour in Lyon painlessly a week before hitting morale against Castres by scoring three tries.

Even if he should benefit from a specific program during his training weeks, Yato is undoubtedly an X-factor who can change a lot of things at Clermont. The coach especially sees him in the third line, a position in which his physical qualities are best expressed.

Anthony Bello

Behind the non-dominant group, when the team found itself in great difficulty, the opener and record in the ASM was difficult. But in four matches, the former club of Toulon raised the indicators.

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The worst scorer in the top 14 through the end of January, with a success rate of just over 60%, Anthony Bellew has since found the shooting position. Over the past four meetings, he’s already been running at 83%, which is more in line with his reliable scorer status.

Anthony Bellew corrected the shot in his leading scorer role. In his last four games, he’s had a success rate of 83%.

Has the former RCT player lost confidence in his feet and his game?? Christophe Aureus explains: “When I arrived, I didn’t feel like a player was losing confidence. I even found that there was a discrepancy between what was said about him and what I saw in training, or even during interviews.

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For the Claremont coach, Bellew has the stuff to take ownership of the team’s draft. This is what Oreos said after the victory over Toulon, certainly their most successful match in the first half.

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“The success of the fall he passes, that evening against Toulon, at the moment of the match where it is necessary to make up a solid time is important,” he appreciates his coach. Apart from the match in Montpellier, where he did not avoid mass drowning, Bello also brought some certainty to the game’s animation.

George Mualla

Just three games started for Gibbs, and five games since the Oreos arrived, and the New Zealand quarterback has regained confidence and his advantages as a starter.

George Muala’s fifth season at ASM didn’t start with much peace of mind for the Tongan international. He even said to himself that he would have expressed his desire (to Jono Gibbs) to leave the club and Claremont earlier than expected. Not good with tendons, Moala took his own time to recover from two concussions in the early part of the season.

George Moala has had a series of positions and offers since Urios’ arrival at ASM.

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After the match against Toulon, Christophe Aureus realized the change. “I don’t know what it was like before for him, I wasn’t around, but from what I’ve seen from his games, he’s not the real George. I feel like he’s gaining momentum and when he is, we don’t have the same team. The new coach rejoiced a month ago.

Since the end of January and the arrival of Oreos on the bench, the New Zealander has been playing matches and performances of his choice. Those that allow the team to play forward, create space, and put the opposition under pressure. Moala is doing better, and seeing him go out at the end of the match against Toulon and fall into the arms of Urios also says a lot about his mental state.

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Christophe Boron

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