ASM Clermont: Falgoux and Fischer expand, Cancoriet will disappear

ASM Clermont: Falgoux and Fischer expand, Cancoriet will disappear

It was up in the air, he confirmed on Thursday morning: Etienne Valgo and Alexandre Fischer who were about to expire their contracts next June will remain Clermontuis for the next few seasons.

The left pole (29) has extended his lease for three years, until 2026. The third line winger (24) will continue to venture into ASM for two more seasons, until June 2025.

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Those already announced have been added to these two extensions for Rabeh Soleimani (+1 year) and Christian Ogovan (+3 years).

Ongoing discussions with Lee and Ezeala

Discussions are ongoing with Fritz Lee (34). The latter, who Joker arrived in 2013, seems intent on staying in Claremont. He should play his first World Cup with Samoa this fall.

In addition, discussions seem to be in full swing with Samuel Ezeala.

On the other hand, for his part, Judicaël Cancoriet will leave Clermont, As revealed the team. His signature to La Rochelle should be formalized in the coming days. Remember, Damien Benaud (Bordeaux) and captain Arthur Iturria (Bayonne) also decided to change the air next season.

excellent Samuel Ezeala (ASM Clermont): “I will miss Xavier Sadourny”

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Awaiting the arrival of new recruits, ASM Clermont has already signed three new players: New Zealand third-stringer Beta Gus Soakula, Australian international hooker Folau Valenga and French international right-back Mohamed Hawass.

Finally, young winger Thomas Rozier, who has not been used much since the start of the season, was loaned to Massy (Pro D2) until the end of the season.

Didier Crouse

excellent Samuel Ezeala (ASM Clermont): “I will miss Xavier Sadourny”

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