Artemis: Discover the amazing images of the dark side of the Moon captured by the Orion capsule

Artemis: Discover the amazing images of the dark side of the Moon captured by the Orion capsule

Launched last week, the Orion capsule on the Artemis 1 mission has come within about 130 kilometers of the moon. Here are some great photos of the hidden side of our natural satellite.

NASA announced on Twitter on Monday, November 21, that the Orion capsule of the Artemis 1 mission has approached about 130 kilometers from the far side of the Moon. This is the first time for an unmanned flight, reports BFM TV.

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At the time of its passage behind the moon, Orion took amazing pictures in HD. NASA revealed these images, saying that at that time, the spacecraft was moving at a speed of more than 8,000 km/h.

Fly me to the moon?

This photo was taken on the 6th of May # Artemis I’m doing an assignment by camera @employee. on Monday. On November 21, it came within 80 miles of the lunar surface—the unmanned mission’s closest approach.

—NASA Johnson Space Center (@NASA_Johnson) November 21, 2022

As expected during its pass behind the Moon, there was a 30-minute break in links with Orion. Then NASA was able to verify that everything went well. In particular, the launch of the engines: Orion will reach a record distance for a habitable capsule: 64,000 km behind our satellite.

# Artemis I, Flight Day 5. The Orion spacecraft takes a selfie as it approaches the moon before a powered fly-by—a burn of Orion’s main engine in ESA service unit. During this maneuver, Orion came within 81 miles of the lunar surface.

– Orion spacecraft (@NASA_Orion) November 22, 2022

Artemis 1 is a test flight that will fly around the moon without landing there and without an astronaut on board for 25 days. This is the beginning of the Artemis program, which aims to send the first woman and first person of color to the moon.

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