Ange Le Bruchec, from the Louvre to the Les Coureaux cultural space in Larmor-Plage – Larmor-Plage

Ange Le Bruchec, from the Louvre to the Les Coureaux cultural space in Larmor-Plage – Larmor-Plage

Although he has lived in Larmor-Plage for 42 years, artist Ange Le Bruchec has never exhibited in the city until now! “I hardly know anyone here,” admits the painter, many of whose paintings have been shown in the Louvre. Until July 24, Larmorien comes out of the shadows by displaying a series of paintings entitled “Regard sur la Nature” in the cultural space Les Coureaux.

A haven for art and travel

“I feel very sad when I see wars between men on TV … I resort to the world of painting and nature, where I find serenity and peace,” explains Angie Le Prochic, proud to present his self-portrait, represented by an oil-painted tree. I did not try to put a majestic tree. I am a man of about 90 years old, full of knots, like this tree.”

At the age of 60, the former architect, originally from Questinique, gave up everything to devote himself to art and travel. A great walk, Larmorien walked the road to Santiago de Compostela three times, “not out of religious conviction, but for the sake of encounters”, which feed his inspiration. For 15 years he also ran a workshop, a school, Côté Mer, in Cruguellic, in Ploemeur.


Every day from 10am to 12pm and from 2:30pm to 6:30pm at Les Coureaux Cultural Space.

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