And in Afghanistan the army is demanding the evacuation of Askar Gah, at least 40 civilians were killed in twenty-four hours

And in Afghanistan the army is demanding the evacuation of Askar Gah, at least 40 civilians were killed in twenty-four hours

Afghan forces patrol a deserted street in Lashkar Gah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan, August 3rd.

The Afghan army, on Tuesday, August 3, called on the residents to evacuate the city of Lashkar Gah, southern Afghanistan, for an operation to drive out the Taliban. The city is the scene of fighting between militants and Afghan forces.

We ask you to leave your homes as soon as possible (…). We will fight hard.” Taliban “Leave as soon as possible so we can start our operations”General Sami al-Sadat, the highest-ranking officer in the army in southern Afghanistan, ordered in an audio message he asked the media to broadcast.

We will not leave any Taliban alive. (…) Leave as soon as possible so we can start our process, he added. I know it’s hard for you to leave your house. It’s hard for us too, but (…) Please forgive us. “

Read our survey: In Afghanistan, the Taliban are at the gates of power

‘Deep concern for Afghan civilians’

And earlier today, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (Manoa), announced that at least 40 civilians were killed, and 118 others were injured, during the past 24 hours, in clashes in the city.

The United Nations mission expressed, in a tweet, NS “Deep concern for Afghan civilians in Lashkar Gah as fighting escalates.”, calling “For an immediate cessation of urban fighting.”. combatants “More must be done to protect civilians or the consequences will be dire.”No Manoa said.

For the first time on Saturday, it repelled the Askar Gah fighters It is back in effect on SundayOnce again, I was able to enter this city of 200,000 people. In addition to Lashkar Gah, the insurgents are clashing with Afghan forces in the outskirts of Kandahar and Herat, which have a population of 650,000 and 600,000, respectively. July 30 Manoa’s offices in Herat were attacked.

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In the morning, La Manoa announced it already “Taliban ground offensive and Afghan army aerial bombardment do the most damage.” For civilians, announced “We are very concerned about the indiscriminate shooting, occupation and damage to health facilities and homes.”.

Authorities in Herat province said, on Tuesday, that Afghan forces have recaptured several districts on the outskirts of Herat city from the grip of the Taliban, who in recent days arrived a few kilometers away. Afghan security forces and ‘resistance forces’ [les milices locales qui leur prêtent main-forte] They launched a major operation” In the west of the city and have “captured several territories”Especially in the Injil district, where Herat is located, Gilani Farhad, spokesman for the governor of Herat, said on Tuesday.

He explained that they regained control of the road leading to the airport, located about fifteen kilometers south of the city, by destroying a checkpoint set up by the rebels there, even if some of them were still located in the immediate vicinity. A local official said that US bombers, along with the Afghan air force, bombed Taliban positions west of Herat.

The world with AFP

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