An extraordinary image of a new galaxy revealed by the James Webb Telescope

An extraordinary image of a new galaxy revealed by the James Webb Telescope

The two burning rings were not so clearly identified. On Tuesday, NASA revealed a stunning image of the Cartwell Wheel Galaxy, It is located 500 million light years from our galaxy, the Milky Way. If the image is so sharp and can distinguish dust from two other small galaxies, that’s thanks to the infrared capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope, which was launched into space seven months ago.

This snapshot gives a glimpse into the current state of the galaxy, but”It also gives us an idea of ​​what happened to her in the past, and how she will develop in the future”, confirms NASA in its press release. Currently, astronomers believe that the Cartwell Wheel was originally a spiral galaxy, before Colliding with another galaxy, causing two circles to be created. The largest of them, abroad, has been expanding for 440 million years.

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