An explosion in a building housing asylum seekers

An explosion in a building housing asylum seekers

An explosion “most likely following a gas leak” in a building housing asylum seekers has injured 31 people in Italy. Oleksandr /

31 people were injured as a result of the explosion.Maybe after a Gas leak », in a building housing asylum seekers in central Italy. A video posted by firefighters shows parts of the two-storey building in San Lorenzo Nuovo, near Viterbo, reduced to rubble after the explosion shortly before midnight on Friday.

Firefighters explained in a press release that there was “Explosion and partial collapse“The building that was presented as a reception center for asylum seekers,”Maybe after a gas leak“.

A person is in serious condition

After searches carried out during the night, including with the help of dogs, the number of injured rose to 31. One person in serious condition was transferred by helicopter to a hospital in Rome and is currently in a coma, according to the ANSA news agency.

According to ANSA news agency, the building consisted of small apartments housing asylum seekers, mostly men, but also women without children.

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