An adventure story at the Science Festival 2023 |  Complete CosmoCom Team Leader Log |  Echo sciences

An adventure story at the Science Festival 2023 | Complete CosmoCom Team Leader Log | Echo sciences

The article you are about to read was written by five M1 students from the Scientific, Technical and Culture Communication course in Grenoble: Lisa Binoche, Aurore Delclos, Alexandre Rousselet, Hector Bellot, and Charlotte Himez.

Within the framework of the Science Festival, they provided media coverage of events related to the theme “Towards Infinity and Beyond”. To do this, they decided to create a story around a team of callers from elsewhere: the CosmoCom team. This article is the students’ imagined version of the rocket pilot’s log during their flight. An abridged version was also released in this Title.

Enjoy reading!


185.6 Xontrox Era of Zadarix

The 73135th Cosmic Congress took place today in the Andromeda Galaxy. The name of my assigned mission is “To Infinity and Beyond!”. It will happen in the Milky Way Galaxy, on planet E616, or “Earth.” The main goal is to better understand communication mechanisms between and within humans to facilitate future communications. That’s why the Cosmos Conference has asked for help from the Cosmo Researchers in Earth Sciences, or CCST, and together we’ll form the CosmoCom team! They will have to hack into human networks and communicate with them about the Science Festival event, which will also allow us to better understand their current state of knowledge about the universe.

The members selected to participate in the trip are:

– Lisalex, given name: “Lisa”
In charge of the photo-taking equipment, his sense of observation must allow him to capture every important moment to report it to the Cosmic Congress and study human habits.

– Ororo, assigned ground name: “Auror”
Using her knowledge of information networks, her mission will be to hack into various human networks such as “X” to allow the entire team to communicate with humans.

– Alexandrian, assigned land name: “Alexander”
Equipped with precision capture, it will have to unobtrusively blend in with the audience and record various human voices. These recordings will make it possible in the future to facilitate exchanges with this civilization.

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– Hectarax, terrestrial name: “Hector”
This distinguished diplomat will be responsible for infiltrating various human societies to better understand the interactions occurring there. He must also facilitate communication between the team and these associations.

-Charlotix, land name: “Charlotte”
With her unparalleled analytical skills, she will oversee operations. Thus, it will facilitate the smooth operation of missions by conducting preliminary surveys, and will collect as much data as possible about human technologies.

I am honored to be appointed rocket commander for this expedition. My mission is to take the CosmoCom team to the right place at the right time and in the best possible conditions. I have also been asked to keep this log which will serve as a report on the expedition.

16.3 Xyloprax of the Zadarix era (Geometric equivalent reference: September 26, 2023)

The rocket took off from the Universe Conference. Aurorux began creating a Wakelet summarizing the content of our communications, and Elaxandrian was tasked with issuing a tweet about our takeoff to warn Earthlings.
The CosmoCom team quickly organized itself to recognize events related to space knowledge at the Science Festival. I saw the members distributing tasks and wearing their earthly appearances. I would be staying on board the entire expedition, so I didn’t need one.

7.8 The era of Zadarix Flornox (October 3, 2023)

The team announced the upcoming landing on Earth via the X instrument. Aurorax tested Earth’s knowledge of our galaxy through a short quiz, with the theme “To Infinity and Beyond.” Two-thirds of participants already know about the Andromeda Galaxy!

After noticing the effectiveness of this tool, we decided to share all our future missions and projects on X for the rest of the expedition.

124.4 Epoch of the Quilborn Glyptron (Ground reference: October 7, 2023)

We have picked up a signal coming from the Pont du Clix location. The rocket landed stealthily at the site, and we discovered the Cosmocité event where the Scientific Cultural Center is being opened. Two events are organized there: “Astralala” for small Earthers and “Astronauts vs. Hockey Players” suitable for everyone.

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The large number of Earthlings on site gathered the attention of the entire team. Lisalex recorded throughout the day, and planned to spend several days working on producing a YouTube video. I’m sure his video will be exciting for space. For his part, the Elaxandrian fused with the Earthlings to produce an audio recording of the day. Aurorux, accompanied by Charlouttix, produced two “Tiktok” videos using her amazing e-box. Finally, Hectarax posted images of CosmoCité on X at the end of the day to provide news from the Cosmocom team.

Returning to the rocket, we found that the Charlotix was experiencing anomalies due to Earth’s atmosphere. For the following assignments, she will rest in her cabin and help organize remotely.

2.2 Pleptran in the Age of Galernoxia (Ground reference: October 14, 2023)

Early today we received three signals! The first is from Place Ebens, and the other two are from Grenoble.

Aurorux went to Eybens and discovered an event on Earth called “Eybens Under the Stars”. When she returned, she told us it was a fascinating photographic exhibition of the elements of the universe and an observation of the sky using ground-based technological instruments called telescopes. As I write these lines, Aurorux is in her cabin explaining her day with a photo report that she can share on Tool X. She also wants to create an exam to test Earthlings’ astral knowledge.

As for Grenoble’s destinations, Alexandrians and Hectarax went there. Alexandrian attended Science Squares, a seemingly creative Science Festival event. Using his meticulous photographs, he interviewed volunteers and the public. He shared his surprise at a particularly captivating oil platform. He is currently working on creating an audio report using a terrestrial radio called RCF Radio, which will be shared on the X along with the images.
As for Hectarax, he went to the Omerville Library. There he held a reading and signing session with Earth science fiction authors. This event had a profound impact on Hectarax, who decided to share it on an X-shaped galaxy thread titled “How Do We Use Science to Fuel Our Imagination?” He also bought two books that we will present to the Universe Conference to study terrestrial writing.

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17.4 Splextron From the era of Galernoxia (Ground reference: November 7, 2023)

Earth’s vacation has just ended, and we received a homecoming message from the Universe Conference. The six team members prepare to leave. I think I can say that the journey to infinity and beyond was a success. Not only did we gain a great deal of knowledge about Earth’s scientific culture, but we were also able to integrate relatively well by communicating on their “social networks.” We can’t wait to meet our loved ones again and tell them about our adventure.

I am very proud to have participated in this expedition as a leader, and I believe that the communication skills we have learned will be very useful on future visits.

As we leave the planet’s atmosphere, I think of all the Earthlings who made the expedition go so smoothly. Clothilde, Julien Dang and Aimé Vanouti at Cosmocité, Baptiste Falk, Quentin Dafoe, Virginie Stroh, Siane Buisson and Valentin Poncet, volunteers at Places de la Science, Etienne Kung and Jean Krug, science fiction authors, Nicolas Boutry at RCF Isère, and, of course, Laura Schlenker and Marion Sabordi. Who provided us with contacts and advice in dealing with the incidents.

CosmoCom Team Captain 👾

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