An adventure happened in Paldea

An adventure happened in Paldea

It was also announced at Pokémon Presents on August 8thIt happened Adventure in Baldia It will contain the first Generation 9 Pokemon in the game.

An adventure happened in Paldea

Event details

the event Adventure in Baldia It will be done Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 10 am in Sunday, September 10, 2023 at 8 p.mlocal time.

New Pokemon

This event will be an opportunity to add New Pokemonl Pokemon in new clothes And based on New colors to your Pokédex.

New Pokemon integrated into the game

New color pokemon

increasing appearances

As with every event, certain Pokémon will appear more frequently naturein eggin raids And much more!

in nature

In the wild, you can encounter the following Pokemon!

In eggs 7 km

In the 7km egg this time, all the Pokemon below will be able to hatch from these eggs!

Eggs and hatching

In raids

in raidsyou will be able to find Pokemon related to the event.

Raid battles

1 star raids
3 star raids
5-star raids
Pokemon BambooKatagami Pokemon

Katagami will appear in the Southern Hemisphere while Bamboiselle will be exclusive to the Northern Hemisphere

massive raids
Pokémon Mega ExpertAvailable in glossy colour

Private study adventures galore

A new multi-path private search scenario will be available from Tuesday, September 5 (10:00 AM) to Friday, December 1, 2023 (9:59 AM), local time. It will allow you to get your first partner from Paldea, that is Busacha, Chochudil or Koeviton.

Special study adventures galore in Pokémon GO

Details will be sent as soon as they are known.

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Field studies

some Field studies It will allow you to have encounters with specific Pokemon such as Poussacha, Chochodile, Coiffeton or Gourmelet !

A list of field research will be posted here at the beginning of the event.

Field studies

One-time study

a One time study It will only be available during the event period. It will allow you to meet Pokemon Gourmelet.

Details of the timed search will be posted here once the event begins.

Assembly challenge

This event will lead to a new one Assembly challenge ! By catching the event’s signature Pokemon, you’ll be able to go out with it Stardust Plus meet more gourmets!

PokéStop Trial

During this event, look forward to finding Experiments at some PokéStops and serving delicious treats there.

Details will be sent as soon as they are known.

Symbolic elements

To celebrate the launch of the expansion The Buried Treasure of Area Zero, Part One: The Turquoise Mask for games Pokemon Scarlett And Pokemon Purple On Switch, new avatar items inspired by the main characters will be available to all players starting September 13, 2023. You can find:

  • Baldia group (Septinteria)
  • Baldia bag (Septentria)
  • Baldia Sandals (Septentria)
Pokémon GO turquoise mask costume


Finally, during the event, you can take advantage of rewards the next:

  • More chances to encounter Granivol, Malosse, Mustébouée or Passerouge in its color form
  • Pokemon Catch XP x 4
  • Pick up Stardust x4
  • PokéStops can turn golden without the Golden Lure Module.
  • Without the Golden Bait module, Mordudor’s Walking Form will not appear at Gold PokéStops, but Mordudor Coins can still be found to complete your treasure by spinning a PokéStop!

That’s all for now, Stay connected on Pokekalos for more information ! Feel free to consult our profile pokemon goor our page which lists all current and upcoming events pokemon go !

Pokemon Go events