America’s Cup: Italy levels again – 3: 3 in the race against New Zealand

America’s Cup: Italy levels again – 3: 3 in the race against New Zealand

In the 36th American Cup match, the defending champions’ sailing teams and hosts New Zealand and Challenger Italy continue to offer a close race. Each team won a race the Saturday before Auckland, so it’s now 3: 3 after the third day. Seven victories are necessary to win the oldest and most important trophy in sailing.

The “Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli” team from Italy, who started out as a stranger in this prestigious duel, won the first race of the day by 18 seconds after setting off at perfect timing amid inconsistent winds.

In the sixth race, it was the exact opposite: a mistake that cost Luna Rossa the lead on the port side, so New Zealand captain Peter Burling and his T Rehutai crew were the first to cross the starting line – finishing 1:41 minutes before the competitors arrived. “It’s kind of a minefield out there, especially in the starting box,” said Luna Rossa, helmsman James Spethyl.

Tens of thousands of fans and a record fleet of 1,600 spectator boats provided the Port Regatta and Hauraki Golf Racecourse a stunning backdrop at the start of the weekend. The Trophy duel will continue on Sunday (4.15 AM CET / Servos TV) with the seventh and eighth races.

Icon: Mirror

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