Alzheimer’s disease in France: three university hospitals collaborate to conduct a scientific study

Alzheimer’s disease in France: three university hospitals collaborate to conduct a scientific study

health. Research funding by the National Solidarity Fund and donations raised by the France Alzheimer’s Foundation is embodied by the implementation of a study conducted by academics from Rouen, Toulouse and Montpellier, an unprecedented study at the European level.

The president of the National Federation of 101 France Alzheimer’s Association, Joel Jaouin, wanted to create regional networks to entrust to a reference. Mouselle Serge Coulson is the reference for the grand institution, and in Chaumont, where Guy Fromholtz presides over the France Alzheimer’s Association 52, volunteers from the grand region gather, like twice a year, for a moment of exchange.

The meeting took place with Joel Gowen on Tuesday, May 30th. On this occasion, the national president recalled the association’s four main areas of work: social missions (“Alzheimer’s cafés” are best known), training, research funding, and awareness-raising of the general public and elected officials about the disease, which “Do not be afraid, because of which we do not die, but because of the consequences.”remembers this volunteer, whose father was affected by a neurodegenerative pathology in 1999.

” We will find ! “

from, “What progress have we made in 23 years!”confirms Joel Gwen, who hopes that science will enable the discovery of an effective treatment against the disease. “We will find, I do not know when, but we will find”Confirms.

If 80% of the research funding comes from the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA), “Every year, we have to find between 1 million and 1.5 million euros.”Joel Gwen, who announced the implementation of an unprecedented scientific study, explains: “Three university hospitals* – Rouen, Toulouse and Montpellier – will be scientifically observing in the long term the patient, the caregiver and his entourage. This is a study that all of Europe will see.” He also welcomes the creation of a group of deputies dedicated to this disease, which affects 1.3 million people in France, about 110,000 in the Grand Est.

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Helping carers

In the Haute-Marne department, where it is estimated that 3,000 people suffer from Alzheimer’s or related diseases, the association is known for organizing training for caregivers (parents, relatives of patients), over a period of two months – two and a half months. The next sessions will be held in Chaumont and Joinville. “It’s an important goal to support caregivers, those who accompany patients.”Guy Fromholtz insists, who invites all people who are faced with the illness of a loved one to approach the association.


France Alzheimer’s 52, 5, avenue Paul Valéry, Chaumont. Tel:

* University Hospital Center.

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