Aix-en-Provence.  The Arbois Science Festival returns on Thursday 7 October for its 17th edition focusing on the “Passion of Discovery”.

Aix-en-Provence. The Arbois Science Festival returns on Thursday 7 October for its 17th edition focusing on the “Passion of Discovery”.

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The event is led by the European Center for Environmental Geosciences Research and Education (Cerege) in partnership with Technopôle de l’Arbois, Aix Marseille University, and the Science Observatory of the Universit Pytheas Institute. Scientists from IMBE (Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Environment), IRD, CNRS, IRSTEA (Aix-en-Provence), Biodiversity Research Foundation, INRAE ​​(Aix-en-Provence), Kalanck National Park, Sainte Victoire Nature Reserve and Aix-en-Provence Museum of Natural History, AGSE, and entrepreneurs from Technopôle will impart their knowledge and know-how in this unique setting that is Technopôle de l’Arbois. Maurice Al-Tayeb, the geologist who discovered the Lucy site (Ethiopia) and the creator of the Science Village will be honored at 3pm.

The program of workshops, conferences and visits to laboratories and companies planned for this day:


. Meteorites: A Journey Through the Solar System
. How do you know in which environment the first men appeared?
. rock under the microscope
. Rivers: From the mountains to the sea
. diatoms
. Microfossils: Witnesses of Past Climates or the Double Life of Plankton
. fossil sorting machine
. Minerals that tell us the age of Earth’s surfaces
. tectonic plates
. Provence dinosaurs
. Learn life-saving measures with the French Red Cross
. dam safety
. What are the drivers of ocean circulation?
. Drones
. Soil: Make the Ground!
. Soil contamination
. Wastewater is a resource
. Make the carrot talk
. Night sounds: it’s alive, it’s moving…!
. anthropology
. What is in the air?
. Life in the marine and terrestrial heart of Kalank National Park
. augmented reality sandbox

For confirmation :

. Earth magnetism
. Extracting DNA from Banana
. Secrets of the nanoworld: discover the infinity
. Dendrochronology
. Journey to the heart of a stream
. Nanoparticles, small but powerful
. Earthquakes and seismic hazards
. Journey to the heart of the forest
. Climate change in the Mediterranean
. dinosaur eggs
. Microclimatic plaster: LudiCC
. Tree planting on site in partnership with Métropole d’Aix-Marseille Provence


. paleontologist profession
. Climate change: about 1.5°C
. Earthquakes: From Plate Tectonics to Earthquake Hazards in France
. Lead
. atmospheric carbon
. I eat, eat, eat … What is the climate on my plate? What is biodiversity on my plate?
. the soil
. Climate change in the Mediterranean: What are the impacts on humans and nature?

Lab visits:

. A visit to the stable carbonate isotope analysis lab
. Visit the dating accelerator MICADAS Carbon 14
. Visit the magnet lab
. Visit the mass spectrometer to accelerate ASTER
. Visit the scanning electron microscope
. Visit the mass spectrometry platform
. 3D X-ray microcomputed tomography (MATRIX platform)

Company visits:

. Visit Ardevie Technology Platform
. Visit d’Ombrea / Agrivolta
. Visit SAFE Technologies
. Bob House Tour
. Dido visit
. Visite d’xRapid . Collection
. Visite de Bamboo For Life
. Visit Marklex
. Visit de NepTech
. visit the groves

Other activities:

. speed dating companies
. Robot photographer!

More information about the event: pineapple wood

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