Again.  Etiennette Crepesig, 100 years old and digital space user at Parc Chabaud

Again. Etiennette Crepesig, 100 years old and digital space user at Parc Chabaud

For a year, she took lessons with Patricia Mezzanato. He accompanies the elderly Renée Romat, 91, who also wanted to learn about new technologies. “When this space was created a year ago, I contacted the nursing home in Saint-Jean, which is right next door, and quickly signed up,” says the digital broker.

The two retirees come here two or three times a month, on Fridays from 3 to 4 p.m. The icing on the cake is that they choose the course programme. Renee Romat learned to manage her budget using Excel spreadsheets, and even “made friends with nursing assistants at the nursing home via Facebook.” Our centenarian, a former butcher in Aga and Nerak markets, has mastered video calling apps to perfection to contact her grandson who is in the US.

Patricia Mezzanato with René Romat and Carole Dejean-Simonetti with Etiennette Crepesig.
Patricia Mezzanato with René Romat and Carole Dejean-Simonetti with Etiennette Crepesig.

Charlotte Lynn

Digital awareness for everyone

For René Romat and Etiennet Crepesig, these courses have proven their value: new technologies are now part of their daily lives.

“We have no other choice but to use today's IT tools, and we must realize that the digital divide still exists, so we must do everything possible for people who are digitally remote,” comments Adelaide Bourgade, Director of the Digital Inclusion Project.

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