Action plan to tackle climate change and sea level rise

Action plan to tackle climate change and sea level rise

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In New Zealand, the government has decided to develop an action plan against climate change. Several reports in recent weeks have sounded the alarm about sea level rise, a phenomenon occurring much earlier than expected for this Pacific archipelago.

With our correspondent in Wellington, Richard Tendler

In New Zealand, one in seven people lives in an area potentially prone to flooding. On the south coast of Wellington, the people of Ohiro Bay, who live facing the sea, often suffer from flooding due to high tide.

Hence James Shaw, New Zealand’s Minister for Climate Change, announced to the press the main measures of this plan: ” There is a lot of work to be done for the country. It’s not just about reducing our carbon dioxide emissions. One of the important points of this adaptation plan will, in the near future, be more orienting on the location of home construction. »

So what to do with the 70,000 homes across the country at risk of rising waters? The government will provide assistance to residents to move or raise their homes on stilts.

Read also: A study warns that the sea level in New Zealand is rising faster than expected

Population Abstract Diagram

But for Eugene Doyle, a resident of this vulnerable area of ​​Wellington, that plan is still an abstract. ” I don’t think we should go up the hills, He said. We protect what can be protected and hold communities together. It’s still a long term plan. But show us the money and tell us how we’re going to do it now ! »

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Island nation, New Zealand largely constructed along coasts, vulnerable housing which represents a total value of €600 million. Despite these efforts and this plan of action, New Zealand will inevitably see a sea level rise of 30 cm by 2060.

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