Across the sky, space and time… – Cosmoscouts, Freedom Games – News

Across the sky, space and time… – Cosmoscouts, Freedom Games – News

We’ll go back to the moon! Good, Not before 2027, and if we postpone all missions 3 times like the first, perhaps not before 2030, but it still wants, especially video game developers who want to make us feel like fighting the void and discovering the unknown. Here we will talk about a new game on the list: Moon Mystery.

Developed by Cosmoscoutswhich will create its first title there, and published by Freedom Games, this Adventure-FPS will offer us exploration of the moon but also beyond where it must take us “through space and time” (somewhat like Next Indiana Jones So). The trailer for the game, which was released a few weeks ago but passed under our radar, shows a very difficult part of the Moon, but also other planets since the game will have 7 according to Official Website. In addition to the space adventure, the game seems to have pulled a lot and is also inspired by Portal, Subnautica and … a nameless space shooter with a lot of bullet time. Let’s just hope that by trying hard, the game doesn’t get lost along the way.

There’s no release date, so we’ll be banking on a vague 2023 without conviction, knowing it’ll only be on Steam. It will thus join a slew of titles about space in development including Deliver Us Mars, The Invincible, Ixion (we’ll talk about them very shortly) and Starfield, which you’ll likely be able to hear a few words from Todd Howard in His last interview, which lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes With Lex Friedman.

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