According to science, these four years are the least happy in life

According to science, these four years are the least happy in life

And we revealed to you a while ago that the best years of life are between 30 and 34 years, according to very serious scientific work. However, science has also settled on the most bad years of life. And do not panic, those years are far from us …

Happiness or misfortune.. How do we define these periods?

If you long for the past, especially your younger years, you might think of the time that science has identified as one of the most miserable times in life. It is the first in the scientific journal Social Indicators Research That the work done by the Spanish researcher Begonia Alvarez has been published. To be able to make the decision, the scientist questioned 28,000 people aged 50 and over about the way they view their life path. To do this, I asked three questions related to the happiest years of life. Was there a time when you were happier than the rest of your life, I wondered? If positive, when did this period begin? And when did it stop?

Adolescence is not the most favorable period for happiness

Unsurprisingly, this survey thus revealed that the early 30s are the happiest period in one’s life. However, between the ages of ten and fourteen, happiness will not really exist. And for good reason, this period is when we reach puberty, and therefore it is considered the age of ingratitude. In fact, it is the moment when we pass from childhood to adolescence. It is also the moment in life when you break away from grade school by spending most of your time in college.

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