According to Science, Bitcoin Investors Are Sadistic Psychopaths

According to Science, Bitcoin Investors Are Sadistic Psychopaths

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency investors are mentally ill, selfish, sadistic, narcissistic, and Machiavellians. At least that’s what researchers say after a scientific study…

What is the Typical Bitcoin Investor Profile? According to science, it is a file Mentally ill account with a bloated self.

This has been detected Study 500 people by researchers at Queensland University of Technology. was the goal Discover personality traits Most popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

This poll is published In the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences It reveals that many investors are showing signs related to “Dark Tetrad” : Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathology and Sadism.

People with these personality traits usually attach great importance to themselves and You derive pleasure from the suffering of others. They have little empathy, and are often sneaky and manipulative.

The Dark Quadrant and the Allure of Bitcoin

A total of 566 people were interviewed by personality test. Participants also answered questions regarding their attitude towards cryptocurrencies.

Among all respondents, one in four said they own cryptocurrency and two thirds expressed interest in investing in this space. Now, the four traits of the Dark Quadrant are related affinity for investment.

According to the researchers, People with this character They are particularly attracted to cryptocurrencies because they are willing to take risks. However, digital assets like Bitcoin are known for their extreme volatility. The whole idea of ​​losing or gaining everything is very attractive to this type of person.

Bitcoin: The Coin of Narcissistic Psychopaths Without Empathy?

As Dr. De Wang explains, “ Dark tetrad traits are considered evil, as they lead to extreme selfishness and Take advantage of others without any empathy. It is also often associated with risky behaviors “.

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At the same time, the correlation between these personality traits and interest in Bitcoin is also related to the fact that This digital currency has no central authority. This means that it is separate from banks and governments.

But people with a Machiavellian temperament, who excel at treachery and take an arithmetic approach to achieving their goals, love cryptocurrencies.” Mainly because they Do not trust politicians and governments The researcher adds that many crypto-lovers are convinced that governments are corrupt.

For their part, narcissists are attracted to technology because they are inclined to it Focus on the positive side of life. The study revealed that these people love cryptocurrency because they believe in the future and are confident that their lives will improve.

Finally, impulsive psychopaths and sadists love Bitcoin because they Looking for a big thrill? and investment bonus. Dr. Wang believes that this is again a manifestation of selfishness.

Then, Do you recognize yourself in personality traits? identified by the study? However, the researchers point out that this survey was conducted on a small sample of investors, and that cryptocurrency owners do not necessarily have these drawbacks…

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