Academic days to build the project “Science, School and Society”

Academic days to build the project “Science, School and Society”

This symposium aims to launch the “School, Science and Society” plan to contribute to promoting dialogue between science, school and society in our region.

procedures within schools

Tuesday, May 23rd is dedicated to actions within schools and colleges around mini-discussions, meetings with researchers, academics, the Tree of Knowledge Society, etc.

INRAE ​​Antilles-Guyane will present Poul’Gemn to 6 schools, created to understand the springs of agroecology. They are Osin Biabiani (UR ASSET); Regis Turnebees (Ur Astro); Nathalie Mandonet (UR ASSET) and Catherine Odette (USDAR) who are going to several schools to play with students.

the Game pee genem

in framework project ERDF region Guadeloupe AgroEcoDivA serious game summer designer by affiliate researchers to Ur AstroAnd Ur Origin with the supports Center contact department West Indies – Guyana. on principle the Game to goosethis Game from the stairs tell stabilizing pee genem on a closes in Polyculture Caribbeanfor him good initiatives and their pitfalls. Intention He was to Creates something mediator to switch to road cheerful with the schoolthe studentsthe farmerson principles Agroecology applied to Agriculture family in Guadeloupe.

Seminar to set the scene

On Wednesday, May 24th, there will be an opportunity to discuss various aspects of the topic “Science, School and Society” based on the results of the survey conducted in schools by students from the Conseil de Vie Collégienne and the Conseil de Vie Lycéenne, QualiStat surveys, round tables, various interventions by scientists, political scientists, researchers, inspectors general… The discussions will set the scene, show the role of the school in the dissemination of science and try to answer the following questions: What are the challenges of the link between science and society? How does science put itself at the service of the population? How can the school participate in openness and behavior change?

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It is especially about recording the subject in the long run and not just during a certain period as could be a science festival, or even fablabs days, …, to show the school’s role in scientific publishing.

The dialogue between science, research and society aims to make the results of contemporary research available to as many people as possible, to explain how these results were obtained, and to present the work of researchers. This is an excellent way to assess the public’s perception of science, and to demonstrate that they are at the center of the scientific process.

Harry Archimede, Head of the INRA Antilles-Guyana Center, will speak as part of the round table “Contributions of Science to Our Lands: Key Challenges” on the topic of agroecology.

Signing a partnership between the university administration and INRAE

This day will end with the signing of an agreement between the Academic Region of Guadeloupe and INRAE. The objectives of this partnership are to contribute, in line with the Guadeloupe Academic Region project, to the renewal of the school’s science curriculum, to increase the attractiveness of scientific and technical courses and the participation of Guadeloupe residents in scientific, technical and industrial cultures in the field of engineering, life sciences, the environment and agriculture in tropical environments.

The procedures published throughout the year will make it possible to develop the school’s role in spreading scientific, technical and industrial culture.

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