A young and itinerant farmer in Schwandorf – news

A young and itinerant farmer in Schwandorf – news

Matthias Dermaire from Imstetten bei Wackersdorf lives for his job. He has already gained experience for this all over the world.

From Alex Hopper

Pig breeding is particularly labor-intensive, says Matthias Dermeyer.
Pig breeding is particularly labor-intensive, says Matthias Dermeyer. Photo: Dermaire

Wackersdorf.Matthias Dermaire always had a concrete plan for his future. Since the 22-year-old from Imstetten near Wackersdorf got to know working on his parents’ farm since childhood, his career ambition was evident early on – although the romantic stereotype of a tractor driver wearing underpants had long since stopped filing. Today’s farmer is essentially an entrepreneur, says Dermaire. In order to fulfill all the requirements of his dream job, he has been drawn to companies around the world. Dermaire has worked in New Zealand and Australia. The next target has already been identified.

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