A very efficient way to get into space

A very efficient way to get into space

He who sings only talks with the godsThis aphorism of the sixth century BC is taken from UpanishadsA philosophical text on the basis of the Hindu religion.

They are all the more difficult to preserve because the Indian art of singing includes variations of extreme complexity which we do not know in the West, not to mention that the organ is not divided into twelve semitones like ours but in Twenty-two notes with a third or quarter tone.

The vibration indicators are very subtle, drawing curves that go down, ascend, sometimes spaced apart, sometimes very narrow or steep like stairs.

How could we not notice the disturbing similarities between Indian chant and Gregorian chant?

The central note is stretched, called the chord or tenor, around which we make nights, variations. Between the chants of the Vedas and the chants of the monasteries, the same practice that leads to the same result: ecstasy. A steady note in which the singer expresses himself freely as long as he never loses the string.

What better metaphor than the fate of a man who ventures without losing his way around a permanent guide?

Max Merott, in “Sound therapyQuotes the songUpanishads Which can be translated from Sanskrit as “extortionist”, because it is a method of singing and a collection of sacred songs and a lesson in wisdom written in the form of poems dating back to pre-Buddhist times up to 600 BC.

The Hindu extortionist specifies that the voice must be roared to address the god of fire, Ani, that it must be veiled to approach the god Prayapati, and that it must be plain to approach the moon-god Soma, to which it must. Be gentle to pray to the God of Wind, Vayu, but strong to invoke the Lord of Heaven, Indra.

By relating each note that we are singing to a God, we positioned the song as a superior instrument that allowed us to reach God. To sing the notes in a certain order and according to a fixed method passed on from generation to generation, means suddenly finding oneself in a dialogue on equal terms with a deity, planet or energy.

A singer who addresses divinity releases energy that is also transmitted to those who listen to him.

Thus, the emitted sounds have an effect on the living organism and on the psyche. And just like when you sing in front of an audience, there is an interaction between the audience and the musician. The singer suddenly forgets himself and is possessed by the divinity to which he is addressing. He becomes the instrument of God who calls him.

The human psyche is so great that the experience becomes fantastic. Find yourself in the stratosphere with the grace of simple pronunciation. The singer, but also the listener, because they are both associated with the same vibration.

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