A team already working on Espace France services

A team already working on Espace France services

While the Espace France service buildings are still under construction, even if we see their end, the municipal team that will take care of them is already in place. Installation is scheduled for the beginning of June. Meanwhile, the team is already working at the Social Medical Center or the City Hall Secretariat. The public can already use its services. Once installation is complete, the SMC will be medical only.

The team consists of Catherine Celia, the actress, and Magali Fraimpont, who continues to manage CCAS, both of whom already work in the municipality. The two new ones are Beren Mazi and Marine Philippe Afful. They are hired on a 35 hour weekly basis, including 24 hours for Espace France services. For the remaining eleven hours, Perrin Mazi will be in charge of the Micro Folie while Marine Philippe-Avol will be supporting the Micro Folie or in the City Council Secretariat.

The new French Services Building includes two distinct parts. Three offices will be installed upstairs allowing for greater confidentiality. It corresponds to the services already existing at the Social Medical Center. It will only be open during CCAS hours with Magalie Fraimpont and various organizations. On the ground floor, in one of the offices, you will find the CCAS reception desk open outside business hours, for routine questions. If there is an important file to be processed, an appointment will be scheduled upstairs.

The France Service Center will also be on the ground floor. Magali Fraimpont, Perrin Mazi and Marine-Philippe Afful will be in charge of welcoming the audience. Typically, the reception is planned for only two people, but the fact that there are three people will allow for a greater range of times. The timetable is under study.

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The computer space will allow the public to come and inquire about their files (retirement fund, taxes, etc.), or complete documents and send them to the various structures (tax declaration, employment update in France, etc.). If necessary, he will be able to get help from people on duty.

Get help

It will also be possible to request assistance in installing Doctolib on mobile phones. The application is used by various medical services provided in Montier-en-Der. However, at present, appointments cannot be made for people who do not have a mobile phone. The topic is under study at the national level.

However, the goal is not to solve problems related to unknown or little known topics. In the case of more specialized files, the role is to connect the person in the know (perhaps by making an appointment with the structure in question) and the applicant. It would therefore be possible, for example, to help someone set up their account with the Tax Service but not to manage special cases.

On the other hand, for people who do not have access to abstraction and for whom IT remains a difficult tool to use, it will be highly recommended to continue working in paper mode when possible.

The entire team will undergo training that will allow them to know what to do. Another important role that Espace France services will play is the resumption of all files currently processed in the Municipal Secretariat and related to the creation of various official documents (identity cards, passports, etc.). Please note that these services are available to everyone, not just residents of Montier-en-Der. Finally, on the ground floor, there is a large meeting room, which can be divided into two parts, and can be used to hold various meetings such as municipal councils. It is also set in Micro Madness.

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work hours

Municipal Social Action Center (CCAS): Tuesday and Thursday, from 2 pm to 5 pm; Wednesday and Friday, from 9:30 am to 12 noon, by appointment. or; Email: [email protected].

Local Assignment (professional and social integration of 16-26 year olds): Monday, 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm.

Public Finance Centre: Tuesday from 9am to 12pm and from 1pm to 4pm.

Udaf (Administrative Federation of Family Associations: Supervision): Every two months by appointment, on the third dayH Thursday, from 2 pm to 4 pm.

Al-Hamris: the thirdH Thursday of the month from 2 pm to 4 pm.

Saliha 52 (Housing and Development): Every two months with a fixed appointment on the third dayH Thursday, from 10 am to 12 pm.

Department Council: RSA Reference by appointment, Social Affairs and Family Economics Counselor by appointment, Social Worker by appointment, Friday, 9am to 11am.

Abaja (Association of Adults and Youth with Disabilities: Guardianship): By appointment on 3H Friday of the month from 2pm to 4pm.

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