A series of conferences on the occasion of the Science Festival

A series of conferences on the occasion of the Science Festival

For more than thirty years, the Science Festival has allowed the general public to meet researchers, discover their work, and highlight critical thinking, rationality, methodological skepticism and experimentation…

For more than thirty years, the Science Festival has allowed the general public to meet researchers, discover their work and highlight the critical spirit, rationality, methodological skepticism and experimentation that lies at the heart of the scientific approach, and why not encourage careers.

On the territory of the Great Lakes Commune, a series of conferences have been part of this framework for about fifteen years. This local initiative, co-organized by Jacques Maleset, University Doctor of Atmospheric Physics, and Yves Senatiempo, University Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, meets the goals of the national event: to make science accessible to all, lively, captivating and fun. This is achieved through topics that capture the audience’s interest and have a strong local “resonance.”

From Thursday

This will be the case with the first conference to be held in the Estanquet hall in Biscarros, Thursday, October 5 at 8:30 pm, where Claude Pacchiana, Doctor of Geology and member of the Cap-Terre Society, will address the topic “Coastal Drift, Pines and Coast”.

The following evening, Tuesday 10 October, will include two complementary moments about our ancestors: the first to discover the Lake Museum of Sanguinet with its director Corinne de Cecchi, from 7 to 8 pm (reservations: 0558782096); The second is in the village hall at 8:30 pm with Colleen Ruiz, a research fellow at the National Center for Scientific Research, on “The Search for a Language: Between the Celts and the Aquitans.”

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Another current topic is “Climate Change and Wildfires” which will be presented by Commander Benoît Lavigne on Wednesday, October 11 at 8:30pm in the Yachoux Village Hall. Jean-Pierre Devalance, assistant professor of physics, will present The Discovery of the Origin of Lights in the Sky in the Parentes Arena on Friday, October 13 at 8:30 p.m.

Finally, on Monday, October 16 at 8:30 p.m., Frédéric Stern, Technical Support Specialist at Dassault Aviation, will give a presentation on the Rafale, the “Multi-Purpose Aircraft,” in the Gastes boardroom.

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