A scientific study describing the universe if it exceeds the speed of light, which is somewhat strange…

According to the theory of relativity, pNothing can exceed light in terms of speed. However, a new study was recently published in the journal Classical and quantitative gravity describes a new hypothesis suggesting the opposite. The article was written by researchers from the University of Warsaw in Poland and the National University of Singapore. Before getting to the heart of the matter, it should be noted that the authors claim that their theory is not contradictory the usual physical laws. On the contrary, it would constitute an extension of special relativityAlbert Einstein.
3D time
The new theory connects three dimensions of time into a single spatial dimension (“1 + 3 space-time”). An unusual concept given that relativity taught us that the space-time continuum has four dimensions: Three for space and one for time. The article suggests that objects can travel at speeds of more than 300,000 kilometers per second without violating the current laws of physics. According to the researchers, the superluminal perspectives could make it possible to make a connection between Quantum mechanics and the Theory of relativity self-control.
Bubbles expand in space
The study conducted by the physicist Andrey Dragan from the University of Warsaw and colleagues describe how the observations made by travelers moving faster than light may appear. Ultraluminous objects are considered Like material that bulges like a bubble in spacegiving them the ability to support multiple separate timelines. This new definition maintains Einstein’s hypothesis about the speed of light in a vacuum being constant, even for super-observers. confirms the researcher.
Questions waiting to be answered
admittedly, This new hypothesis answers fundamental questions of physics, but it includes others as well. It effectively means a set of concepts Relativityand quantum mechanics classical field theory.
Moreover, scientists wonder if humans will ever be able to observe this extended behavior. “The simple experimental discovery of a new fundamental particle is a Nobel Prize-winning achievement that can be achieved in a large research team using the latest experimental technology”And The physicist rejoiced Krzysztof Torzynski from the University of Warsaw. more information : Classical and quantitative gravity
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