A revolution in medical monitoring?  Full investigation

A revolution in medical monitoring? Full investigation

My Health Space: Will this innovation revolutionize your medical care?  investigation

In the midst of the digital age, health is not immune to digitalization. My Health Space, created by health insurance and the Ministry of Health in February 2022, promises more personalized and accessible medical monitoring. But is this initiative truly a revolution?

My Health Space: A revolution in medical monitoring?

Strong adoption and growing interest

Since its launch, My Health Space has generated real enthusiasm among the French. Today, there are more than 12 million active accounts. According to a survey conducted on 2,032 French people, 82% know this service and 50% have already used it.

The emergence of digital technology in healthcare

90% of French people have already used at least one digital health tool or service. This trend bears witness to the appeal of these new technologies that are revolutionizing our relationship with health.

Now that we have explained how Mon Espace Santé has managed to establish itself as a major player in the digital health space, it is necessary to examine how this service works.

How My Health Space works: What you need to know

Interactive personal digital notebook

My Health Space gives everyone the ability to centrally collect their health information. This includes treatments, test results, prescriptions, vaccination records, and other essential elements for optimal medical monitoring.

Promise of data confidentiality and security

This digital space is secureThis is to ensure the confidentiality of personal data. Moreover, 75% of users trust the data security provided by the service.

Now that we understand how My Health Space works, let's take a closer look at one of its key aspects: the digital prescription.

Digital prescription and its effects on your health

The practicality is undeniable

with Digital prescription available in My Health Space-No more losing paper or forgetting. You can access your prescriptions with just a few clicks, wherever you are.

Now that we better understand what a digital prescription is, let's explore the benefits My Health Space offers when you activate your personal digital notebook.

Advantages of activating your personal digital notebook

Better medical monitoring

Among the main advantages of the digital notebook is undoubtedly the improvement of medical monitoring.. In reality, 74% of French people believe that the development of digital health will facilitate coordination between different practitioners.

Increased access to health documentation

93% of users believe they have the right to access their health documents. My Health Space makes this ambition possible.

Now that the benefits of Mon Espace Santé have been clearly defined, it is appropriate to take stock of these two years of existence.

Two years after its creation: evaluation and prospects for improving Mon Espace Santé

Evaluation of My Health Space deployment

Generally, The reception to Mon Espace Santé has been positive. However, some points can still be improved to ensure a better user experience.

Hence, looking to the future is essential. What are the trends in digital health? Let's see this together.

Prospects for Improvement: Digital Health Roadmap 2019-2022

This roadmap provides 5 key trends and 30 actions to strengthen governance in digital health. These measures herald a promising and dynamic future for digital health.

Now it's time to finalize our thoughts.

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While the emergence of digital health is no longer in doubt, its potential still needs to be explored. With tools like Mon Espace Santé, every Frenchman now has the opportunity to manage their health more effectively. However, although the promise is great, it remains necessary to continue working on health data security and user experience to make digital a true ally in managing our well-being.

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