A New Zealander eats a McDonald's hamburger with a cockroach

A New Zealander eats a McDonald's hamburger with a cockroach

Unpleasant issue. New Zealander AnnaSophia Stevenson told the media group Fairfax New Zealand After he discovered a cockroach in a hamburger bought from a McDonald's restaurant in the town of Blenheim.

The 26-year-old makeup artist said: “I was trying to cut it with my teeth. I chewed it for a while, so I thought it was a piece of fat.”

The young woman did not file a complaint with the Blenheim restaurant, but she posted a message on Facebook saying she felt “sick, shocked and disgusted.” “The only thing worse than finding a cockroach is finding half a cockroach.”

Investigation by McDonald's

McDonald's fast food chain explained that the franchisee contacted the customer as soon as she learned of her messages on social media.

The company added that the franchisee obtained “the hamburger and the foreign object” for analysis. But the young woman asked for the sandwich to be returned to her on Monday, which would “severely limit our ability to investigate this matter further.”

McDonald's added that municipal cleaning services visited the restaurant on Monday without finding any trace of cockroaches. “It is important to note that this product was ordered during ordering, transported by car and consumed at the customer’s home,” the company added in a press release.

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