A new space of freedom for Previn

A new space of freedom for Previn

The objectives of the operation are based on the basic principle of removing as many restrictions as possible, whether lateral or height measurement, in order to allow the rivet to adopt different shapes over the entire route.

The eco-morphological restoration of the Brevin River at the crossing of the village of Girodiere, in the municipalities of Prosio, Curzio and Pessenai, aims mainly to “deprive the watercourse of natural resources where existing issues permit, and to return the Brevin River to its natural state”. On this section of about 1 km.

In fact, banks previously protected by riprap, sections developed by embankments on the stream bed, and sills not currently in use will be removed as part of the work, except very occasionally to allow maintenance of certain issues (houses, buildings, bridges or footbridges). ; Thus, the work will make it possible to restore a space of freedom to the river, re-establish adapted and intensive vegetation along the watercourse, reduce the presence of invasive plant species (Japanese knotweed), and restore biological and sedimentary continuity. .

Among other benefits, this project will allow to increase biodiversity (creation of new aquatic and terrestrial habitats), better adapt to climate change (shading, island of freshness, diversification of plant species, etc.), and improve the living environment of plants. population.

1 km from river to renature

In addition, developments planned within the work will allow for the extension of the floodplain, lowering the bed bottom occasionally by removing existing sills, resulting in a significant reduction in water levels and flood velocities, thus reducing the exposure of residents and humanitarian issues to flood risk.

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At the beginning of June, the first site installation work began. But before work began, the Rhône Fishing Federation and the city of Lyon came to carry out a backup fishing operation in order to capture the fish found on the site and transport them upriver to house them. Perret, in consortium with Crouzet and Greenstyle, is responsible for carrying out the work. They deployed the “big machines” for a large-scale project: reworking one kilometer of the river, where every meter of its bank is monitored, with targeted targets to respond to the various issues identified. The estimated cost of the operation is just over 1.3 million euros, excluding taxes.

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