A new candidate after the assassination of Villavicencio

A new candidate after the assassination of Villavicencio


After Fernando Villavicencio, the presidential candidate assassinated on Wednesday, Construi nominated his political party, journalist Cristian Zurita, 53, Sunday, to represent him on the August 20 ballot.

Seven days before the Ecuadorian presidential election, a new candidate has just emerged. after The assassination of Fernando VillavicencioToday, Sunday, the presidential candidate Constroi of his political party assassinated journalist Christian Zurita, 53, to represent him in the elections scheduled for August 20.

On Saturday, he chose this party at the start Environmental scientist Andrea Gonzalez, who was a candidate for vice-presidential position alongside Fernando Villavicencio, but reconsidered his decision, fearing that electoral rules would invalidate his candidacy. There is uncertainty about whether she can move from running for vice president to running for the top office. When in doubt, and due to the lack of a response from the National Electoral Council (CNE) within the time limit, he chose to submit Christian Zurita. The party raised the possibility of Andrea Gonzalez appearing on the ballot as its vice presidential candidate.

An “integrated follow-up” to the Villavicencio political project

Cristian Zurita, whose candidacy has not yet been validated by the National Electoral Council, has indicated that he will fully follow his friend’s political project. Fernando Villavicencio, a 59-year-old journalist who has campaigned against corruption in his country, is ranked second in polls on presidential voting intentions, when shot He also left an election rally in the capital, Quito.

Most of Ecuador has been under a state of emergency since then, and President Guillermo Lasso has blamed organized crime for the killing. Six Colombians were captured As part of the investigation, a person was killed shortly after the attack by the candidate’s bodyguards.

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