A moving farewell to Jacinda Ardern, former Prime Minister of New Zealand

A moving farewell to Jacinda Ardern, former Prime Minister of New Zealand

“You can drive, just like me,” The former New Zealand Prime Minister insisted, Wednesday, April 5, during her farewell address to Parliament. “I convinced myself that an anxious person has no place here, I was wrong.” Jacinda Ardern, who led the country from 2017 until announcing her resignation in February 2023, admitted. ” I was wrong. ” And she insisted on the legitimacy of all personalities to integrate the political field.

“You can be restless, sensitive, kind, and have your heart on your sleeve,” confirmed. “You can be a nerd, tend to cry, and be affectionate,” And she has ” Your place ” In Parliament, added the former head of government. She had indicated, a few minutes earlier, that she would be of a “turbulent nature”, What could it be “The worst characteristic of a politician, or the best, depending on your point of view.”

Read also: The material is reserved for our subscribers To all the weary moms out there, take a break and watch Jacinda Ardern

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