A man caught bathing in a rhino enclosure

The individual remained in the water for several minutes before submitting to the orders of the zookeepers.

By Le Figaro with AFP

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A rhinoceros from a safari in Beaugres, France, on March 22, 2023. Jeff Pachaud/AFP

A man was captured on Wednesday at the Oakland Zoo New Zealandbecause we broke through the enclosure of African animals and bathed in the moat under the gaze of amazed rhinos and antelopes, we learned from the establishment.

Footage of the incident posted on social media shows the person in a simple undershirt doing a stand-up paddle board in the water, before washing his face and hair. The enclosure is home to the rhino and nyala, an antelope with curved horns. “Rhino and Nyala were startled by the intruder, which is understandablesaid a spokesperson for the Oakland Zoo.

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The man remained in the water for several minutes before he obeyed the park rangers’ orders and returned to the visitors’ area. Then he was handed over to the police.

Zoo director Kevin Pooley said,Very satisfied“If no one is injured, whether people or animals. “Hopefully, the man in question will receive the help and support he clearly needs.“, he added.

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