A few months before the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron has to make tough decisions

A few months before the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron has to make tough decisions


COVID-19: A few months before the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron has to make tough decisions
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Emmanuel Macron will have to make difficult and politically risky decisions during the meeting of the Health Defense Council scheduled for Monday, December 27, three months before the first round of the presidential election. Journalist Natalie San Creek assesses the situation live from the plateau the 20 hours.

In the face of increased pollution linked to Covid-19, should we expect a change of strategy from Emmanuel Macron? No, he decided to keep his “inoculated” package, not to exaggerate the precautionary principle, not to stifle the economy and, above all, to preserve the morale of the French (…). So he wants to make the least bad decision possible in a context that is changing all the time.”‘She lives from the plateau,’ explains journalist Natalie San Creek the 20 hours.

Pilot Emmanuel Macron on the horizon “But that doesn’t mean that in the dark, it means that we adapt because the science is constantly evolving. What is right in July may be wrong in December, and therefore it can be revised and corrected in time. This is what happens everywhere in Europe (…) It is not interesting to us because the variables are dumb”The journalist continues.

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