A drunk man wakes up next to a stranger and calls the German police

A drunk man wakes up next to a stranger and calls the German police

A 56-year-old man raised eyebrows among German police on Friday, January 27, at noon. Complain about waking up next to a stranger. The authorities soon discovered that they were no strangers to the drunken man.

Some get ups are more difficult than others, as evidenced by this German from 56 years old who called the police to complain that a stranger was resting in his bed. The police were dispatched to the scene, and soon realized that the suspicious person was none other than his wifereports Blue France.

Familiar stranger

After waking up around noon at his house Sawsan , In the land of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, a 56-year-old man was horrified to see a complete stranger in his bed. She wasn’t that much because she was already his wife.

Confused, the man called the police to intervene and remove this “intruder”. Once there, it took the authorities less and less time for the fifty-year-old to understand that the woman in his bed was no stranger to him. severely addicted to alcohol, The man has not been able to recognize his partner for a long time.

Despite this incident, the man was still drunk after the police arrived, so he was going to ask them to help him find his socks.

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