A 16-year-old teenager has been taken into police custody after cutting down a century-old tree, a symbol of the country

A 16-year-old teenager has been taken into police custody after cutting down a century-old tree, a symbol of the country

The felling of the “Sycamore Gap Tree”, located near Hadrian’s Wall, in the north-east of the country, sparks a scandal in the United Kingdom. A 16-year-old young man was arrested.


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"Sycamore Gap", near Hadrian's Wall, was cut in the United Kingdom.  (Oli Scarfe/AFP)

UK mourns iconic tree. A vandal cut down a nearly 200-year-old maple tree, located in northeastern England, near Hadrian’s Wall, with an electric saw. It was undoubtedly the most famous tree in the country.

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Majestic, located between two hills, it has been photographed all year round, naked under the snow, surrounded by trees with a beautiful blue sky or in a magnificent sunset. It became a meeting place for hikers and had a name: “Sycamore Gap Tree”. She even became an international star in 1991 when she served as the setting for a scene with Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman in the film Robin Hood. In 2016, it was voted Tree of the Year.

“You killed the time keeper.”

It was the police chief who found him lying on the ground. “Shock, sadness and anger“: This is how he summarizes his mental state at the time of his discovery.

Immediately, social networks were filled with photos and testimonials. “I hope whoever did this has a conscience because you killed the guardian of time and the spiritual element of the areathe Internet user reacts. I wonder if you feel okay. Whatever your twisted reason for doing this is, it’s shocking.”

Investigations quickly led to the identification of the 16-year-old young man. He was arrested and taken into police custody. Police confirmed that he is cooperating with the investigation.

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