Science Festival 2024 in Isère – Youth and Family Events | Echo Sciences

Science Festival 2024 in Isère – Youth and Family Events | Echo Sciences

Science Festival 2024 in Izère – Youth and Family Activities

Published by Echosciences Grenoble on August 21, 2024


The Science Festival 2024 will take place from October 4 to 14 throughout France. In Isere, we offer a large number of events in around sixty cities. Below you will find a selection of events more specifically dedicated to young people and families. Please note that ages are given for informational purposes only! Feel free to browse The program as a wholeplus our selection of ocean and astronomy events to satisfy the most curious budding scientists!

a race

With family

3 years ago

4 or 5 years

6 years ago

7 years ago

8 years ago

9 years ago

10 years ago

11 or 12 years old

To learn more about the Science Festival in Isère, go to this file.

Image credit : The Third Man / Pixels

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